The phrase “growing up is hard to do” hits my spirit more and more each day. As we get older we tend to realize that some of our old habits, thought patterns, lifestyle and overall way of handling situations in our lives start to change. From adolescence to adulthood we go through a series of experiences, and stages that require us to look out our lives, and decide who we were created to be, and those experiences never come without struggle and sacrifices.
As we grow- by watering ourselves, feeding the soil, and letting the light shine on us and through us, we learn what does and does not work for us as individuals. This can often be uncomfortable, as growth tends to be messy, and unpredictable. We usually question whether the decisions we are making are ultimately beneficial to our growth, and will they propel us to the next level.
In the midst of our day to day, sometimes we forget how much we are growing and shedding old layers behind us. This reminded me of a personal habit I’m trying to break this year, and that is saying ‘yes’ to things I really would rather say no to.
For many years, I have been that friend usually down to do whatever, when time permitted. I didn’t make much a fuss, and was always agreeable with plans. As I started to grow and form my own personality, and hobbies, outside of my friends I noticed that my wants started to change and my response to certain things shifted as well. I stopped being as agreeable and started to voice my opinion when I wasn’t 100% okay with something that was said, or something that was being planned.
As I grow more into who I am, I’ve also learned the power of putting your foot down and only doing things that completely set my soul on fire. My goal is to live with passion, ambition, and for my experiences to push, challenge, or inspire me in some way. While I respect the order and routine of certain obligations, I’ve come to the realization that my social life shouldn’t be without thought and comfortability. Growing up has allowed me to say “I’m grown, and I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do”. Call it boundaries, or respecting the value of your time, whatever you call it, people will either get it or leave, but your peace will thank you.
I encourage you to embrace those moments when reality hits and you remember that you are absolutely free to design the life you want to live, the things you want to partake in, the people you want to spend time with, and the truth that you want to own every single day. What are some ways that you are owning the woman you have grown into this year?
You are a grooowwnn woman & it’s ok to say no to whatever no longer serves the magical queen you’ve become.
Contributing Writer & PrettiPassionate Member